Remote operated vehicle (WROV/ROV)
Work Class ROVs
RenOcean offers clients an integrated service to meet all their needs in terms of underwater work. Our fleet of ROVs is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and can operate at depths of up to 4,000 m
It features a unique power management system and advanced automatic piloting modes that deliver superior operational stability and precise control. Based on integrated sub-systems, the HD reduces complexity, increases efficiency, and lowers the cost of owning and operating an ROV.
It includes dedicated interfaces for integrating intervention or survey tooling. Ergonomic design provides users with spacious access to the system for maintenance and onboard capacity for installing additional intervention tools and work packages within the vehicle’s footprint. Combined with Schilling’s electric standard model TMS system, the WROV is capable of excursions up to 4000-meters.

Electric ROVs
Our Small Electric ROVs and High Capability Electric ROVs are divided into 3 categories:
- Compact electrical ROVs - Operating at depths of up to 1,000 meter, for instrumental surveys and light construction activities in deep waters
- Compact electrical ROVs - Freeswimming - operating at depths of up to 800 m, for instrumental surveys and light construction activities in shallow waters
- Light observation ROVs, highly mobile, for assistance in diving operations and visual inspections in shallow waters up to 300 meter